19th Ave New York, NY 95822, USA

medical fitness


A Class 2 Medical fitness level is required to obtain a PPL(H) and will confirm that you are healthy to fly. There are a small number of conditions that may prevent you from obtaining your licence. If you are unsure please consult us or we can put you in touch with our local AME (Aviation Medical Examiner).

Please note that colour blindness does not necessarily exclude you from holding a Medical.


I have been refused a medical, can I still learn to fly?

If you have been refused a Class 2 Medical, you may still be able to obtain a Light Aircraft Pilot’s Licence – LAPL(H), as the LAPL has less strict requirements. Hummingbird offers LAPL training.


Are there medical fitness requirements for Trial lessons or Introductory Flights?

There are certain conditions that may exclude you from flying in a helicopter as a passenger, but these are minimal.

If you aren’t sure, please get in touch. You will need to be able to get in and out of the aircraft with little aid and must be able to reach and operate the door handle.


Can I start my flying course before I get a medical fitness examination?

Yes, you can start the course. However, you will need to get a Class 2 Medical prior to going solo.


We have a list of local Aviation Medical Examiners and Doctors are CAA approved to conduct medicals.